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- Never heard of that handler.
- Can't understand arguments.
- Syntax error in source expression.
- Expected chunk expression but found something else.
- Expected "of" or "in" but found something else.
- Negative chunk expressions are illegal.
- Expected "to" but found something else.
- Mismatched parenthesis.
- Expected a number but found something else.
- Buttons and graphics are not containers.
- Can't find button, field or graphic.
- Expected floating point number but found something else.
- Expected long integer but found something else.
- String longer than 255 characters.
- Expected boolean but found something else.
- Variable not found.
- Handler is not correctly terminated.
- Variable name must start with letter.
- Expected end of line but found something else.
- Too many nested repeats.
- Can't find "end repeat" statement.
- Expected "=" but found something else.
- Expected "down" or "to" but found end of line.
- Can't repeat a negative number of times.
- Expected "then" but found something else.
- Expected "else" or "end if" but found something else.
- Can't find "end if" statement.
- Found "else" statement out of place.
- Found "end" statement out of place.
- The "pass" statement must be followed by the handler name.
- Found "exit repeat" statement out of place.
- Found "end repeat" statement out of place.
- The "exit" statement must be followed by the handler name.
- Expected "repeat" but found something else.
- Found "next repeat" statement out of place.
- Mismatched "repeat", "end repeat" statements.
- VideoEdge is out of memory. ^0K needed, ^1K available.Try closing some windows.
- The "beep" command can't take negative arguments.
- Expected "," but found something else.
- There is already a local variable by that name.
- Never heard of that function name.
- Never heard of that constant.
- Never heard of that property.
- Can't make that project.
- Syntax error in destination expression.
- Expected "from" but found something else.
- Expected "by" but found something else.
- Script stopped by user.
- Expected "(" but found something else.
- Too much recursion.
- Can't find card.
- There isn't any selection.
- That window doesn't have any cards. Add a card with VideoEdit.
- Can't read that property.
- Expected "the" but found something else.
- Math error. Check the range of numeric arguments.
- Bad file type.
- Unterminated quote. Make sure quotes are matched.
- Incomplete or improper object path name.
- Can't find background.
- Can't find window.
- Cancel button clicked by user.
- Can't find menu.
- Can't find menu item.
- Can't set that property.
- Can't specify an empty boundary rectangle.
- Can't find that cursor. Is it in your project or the SharedFile?
- Can't open any more files.
- Can't open data file.
- Can't create data file.
- Data file is not open.
- Can't write to data file.
- Expected "file" but found something else.
- Expected "for" or "until" but found something else.
- Expected character constant but found something else.
- Expected "at" but found something else.
- Expected "to" or "relative" but found something else.
- Expected "in" or "step" but found something else.
- Can't send messages to closed cards, windows, menus or projects.
- Only polygon objects have the points property.
- Draw text is the only graphic with text styles.
- This object may not be changed.
- Never heard of that style.
- Can't find that icon.
- Script editing has been disabled.
- Not enough memory to sort.
- Expected a date/time field but found something else.
- Expected ")" but found something else.
- Can't open more than one PICS or STEP file. Please close the current file first.
- Can't create or open the PICS or STEP file.
- There is not a PICS or STEP file currently open.
- Can't close the PICS or STEP file.
- Only arc graphics have the startAngle and arcAngle property.
- Only round corner graphics have the roundHeight and roundWidth property.
- Only buttons and fields have shadows. Graphics have ink effects instead.
- Can't find printer resource file in your System Folder.
- Can't use a reserved word for a variable name. Please rename the variable.
- Only scrolling fields have the "scroll" property.
- The monitor is not set to the correct number of colors to play this STEP file.
- This STEP file was recorded on a bigger monitor and cannot be played here.
- The clut property can only be changed on a color monitor with 256 colors.
- Can't find that clut. Is it in your project or the SharedFile?
- Incorrect password. Access denied.
- That is a color bit map. You cannot change it on a black and white machine.
- You can't delete the last card. Use delete window instead.
- This card is locked and cannot be deleted.
- The clipboard disk is out of space.
- The clipboard disk is locked. Please unlock it and try again.
- This background is locked and cannot be deleted.
- The sort expression was not valid for any card.
- Expression is too complex. Please split it between multiple statements.
- Only rectangle graphics may have a picture.
- A menu may not be inserted into itself.
- Expected "into" but found something else.
- Only the first 500 objects on the clipboard have been imported.
- System would not launch your application. Please check its memory size.
- Trace command is invalid here.
- Unknown error number ^0.
- Expected "to" or "after" but found something else.
- Expected "with" but found something else.
- Expected "type" but found something else.
- Expected "card" but found something else.
- Specified file is not a valid PICT file.
- Task not supported by this version of system software.
- No such program found.
- No current Apple® event.
- Expected "program" but found something else.
- Expected "keyWord" but found something else.
- Keywords must have exactly 4 characters.
- Picture resource not found.
- Only list type fields have the "hilitedLines" property.
- HilitedLines property available on open card only.
- Only fields and drawtext have textHeightSum property.
- Sorry, not enough memory available to print.
- An error of ^0 occurred while printing.
- Sorry, a picture of ^0K bytes is too large to place.